January – June
I am currently in a period of research in the framework of an artist residency at WittenLab. The final project will be presented in May/June. More information about the date and venue will be published soon.
VIDEONALE. 20 April 11–May 18, 2025
Opening: April 10, 2025
More info soon.
past events
Events 2024
- cckpt – sound art – data sonification cckpt Düsseldorf
- Festival de la Imagen Museo de Artes Visuales Bogotá
- Portrait concert. Auditorio de Bellas Artes. UPTC Tunja.
- CT::SWaM concert Fridman Gallery New York City.
- New York City Electroacoustic Festival NYCEMF , THE SHEEN CENTER.
- Somewhere.. nowhere acousmatic composition, version for Klangdom 48 speakers @ DEGEM Concert: Sound Dome @ ZKM Center Karlsruhe
- ZHONG featured at the 20th anniversary of Miami New Media Festival at the 60th Venice Biennale, Palazzo Bembo (room G)
- Concert (Audiovisual, Acousmatic and Live Electronics) @ Kunsthaus Essen
Events 2023
- NOW! Festival/ Philarmonie Essen. (DE) https://www.theater-essen.de/
- Symposium “Artistic and Artificial?’ Lübeck. (DE) https://www.degem.de/symposium-und-degem-konzert-2023
- Artist talk @ CHEZ ON https://www.on-cologne.de/chezon-claudia-robles-angel/
- ‘ENCORE & EN-CORPS ‘’ 30 ans Imagespassages. Annecy (FR)
- REFLEXION – In Sync/out of Sync – Zentrum Für Internationale Lichtkunst (DE) https://www.lichtkunst-unna.de/ – https://www.extraschicht.de
- REFLEXION – In Sync/out of Sync – Gewalt & Mitgefühl 4 LICHTTURM SOLINGEN
- ZART-UNTER-HOLZ Wormser Str. 23, 50677 Köln
- – REFLEXION – In Sync/out of Sync – Art and Technology on Governors Island Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island. https://nycemf.org/
- DE L’AUTRE CÔTÉ NYCEMF New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. https://nycemf.org/
- Akusma Concert Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. more info: https://bernaolazikloa.com/programa/60-akusma
- WANDERING IN MORELIA and GLOCKENWELT CT::SWaM [Contemporary Temporary:: Sound Works and Music] The Park/ Cheltenham GL50 2RH more info: https://ctswam.org/
- Exhausted Performance for two percussionists, dancers and live electronics. More info: https://www.achtbruecken.de/en/programm/claudia-robles-angel-exhausted/277
- Là-bas TIEFENRAUSCH DER KLÄNGE – 75 years of electroacoustic music. More info: https://musikwissenschaft.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/index.php?id=33059
Past events 2022
- REFLEXION – In Sync / Out of Sync- Honorary Mention by the Giga-Hertz-Award. ZKM Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
- DIGITAL JOVE FESTIVAL Creación Transmedia en Latinoamérica | Auditori Alfons Roig – Facultad de Bellas Artes UPV | Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
- IDENTITÄT (Group Exhibition) / AKUSMATISCH – AUDIOVISUELL – LIVE! (concert). Kunsthaus Troisdorf
- REFLEXION – In Sync / Out of Sync- exhibited at Center for Light Art Unna
- Wandering in Morelia featured at New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival .The Loreto theatre. NYC
- EIN-FÜHLUNG performance premiered at „IMPROVISATION, ECOLOGY AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY“ NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. https://www.design-and-philosophy.com
- Wandering in Morelia and Glockentwelt featured at EVERYDAY IS SPATIAL in Cheltenham Everyday is Spatial // https://www.uogimmersiveaudio.com/eis-2022/programme
- KI Biennale Opening https://ki-biennale.de/events/festakt-zur-eroeffnung-der-biennale/
- Artist talk. ISEA 2023 MACBA Barcelona https://isea2022.isea-international.org/event/artist-talk-intelligent-habitat/
- REFLEXION -In Sync / Out of Sync- @ Johanneskirche Düsseldorf
- CONCERT @ Electric Spring Festival https://electricspring.co.uk
- IKLECTIK https://iklectikartlab
- Nomádes.. https://nomadesconcerts.wordpress.com
Events 2021
1. RADIO BROADCAST: portrait by Egbert Hiller featuring my work @ DLF radio (Germany)
2- ONLINE (EAI Conference)
Web-Mindscape and REFLEXION: biofeedback and physical computing in interactive New Media Art.
3- GERMANY (Essen)
50 years of electronic music and audiovisuals at the folkwang university of the arts
De l’autre côté – New Audiovisual composition for 3 video channel and Quadrophonic (4.1) sound.
4- GERMANY (Bonn)
REFLEXION -In Sync / Out of Sync- @ kreuzung-helena Bonn
5- GERMANY (Essen) SKIN performance Blaues Rauschen Festival
6- GERMANY (Cologne) POLYMER – Reihe für Experimentalelektronik 2021
Telekinetic Dreams – an interactive installation by Claudia Robles-Angel &Hubert Steins
7- GERMANY (Munich) & online: T2051MCC
8- GERMANY (Cologne) Concert @ Chamber Remix Cologne
9- GERMANY (Potsdam) FESTIVAL INTERZONANZEN “experiment:.:hören” – Experiment und Tradition in der Neuen Musik des 21. Jahrhunderts. Kunsthaus sans titre – Französische Str.18, 14467 Potsdam. Potsdam Museum – Forum für Kunst und Geschichte, Am Alten Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam
more info: https://www.neue-musik-brandenburg.de/en/konzerte-2021/
10- GERMANY (Stuttgart). 20 Years CAMP Festival. Kunstverein Wagenhalle
11- GERMANY (Cologne)
Photoszene United 2021. VON / FÜR / AUF / ÜBER STRASSEN https://festival.photoszene.de/
12- GERMANY (Cologne). New Audiovisual Installation at LTK4
13. COLOMBIA (online)
International Image Festival virtual exhibition
14- USA / online
NYCEMF 2021 (New York Electroacoustic Music Festival) online between June 21 and 27.
15- Wandering in Morelia featured online at the next edition of NOMADES… as part of FUNKT (Sound Art Radio, A weekend of 53 non-stop hours of electronic + sound art from Cologne – 16-18 April 2021)
LINK to the broadcast – FUNKT: https://www.gerngesehen.de/funkt/
Link to the concert programme at NOMÁDES…https://nomadesconcerts.wordpress.com/2017/01/03/blog-post-title-3/
16- BRAZIL (Museum Gerdau)
My installation REFLEXION -In Sync / Out of Sync- at CoMciência: Time Crystals, an exhibition curated by Alexandre Milagres and Tadeus Mucelli at MM Gerdau Museu das Minas e do Metal
virtual part of the exhibition: https://2020.programacomciencia.org.br/virtual/s05.html
– EVENTS 2020-
Online event (AR)
ZHONG featured at SANTONOISE FESTIVAL. Concert curated by Eliana Salazar
Bonn (DE)
BEETHOVENS GEIST (Beethoven’s mind) – Audiovisual Installation by Javier A. Garavaglia and Claudia Robles-Angel featured at TANGENTIALE – BTHVN Jubiläum 2020 –
Blomberg (DE)
Webmindscape featured at LICHKUNST Spaziergang Reelkirchen.
Bremen (DE)
Blossoms performed at Gerhard-Marcks-Haus with the BLO (Bremer Lautsprecher Orchester) BRRRZK! Festival Elektroakustischer Musik Bremen.
Melbourne (AU)
Mindscape featured at Special edition SEENSOUND LIVESTREAM CONCERT
Caracas (VE)
LEIKHEN presented at the VR exhibition NEXT – Imaginar el postpresente curated by philosophers Humberto Valdivieso and Lorena Rojas Parma.
Cologne (DE)
REFLEXION -In Sync / Out of Sync- presented @ “Process as Resistance, Resilience and Regeneration“, an exhibition curated by Julia Haarmann and Khanyisile Mbongwa for the 10th anniversary of CAT Cologne.
Cologne (DE)
Nomádes Concert at TENRI – Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt
A chapter of my authorship in the new book Sound and Image: Aesthetics and Practices edited by Andrew Hill (University of Greenwich). You can preorder a copy with this link click here
Birmingham (UK)
Wandering in Morelia featured at BEAST FEaST 2020: Come Together Due to the covid-19 pandemic, this event was presented online instead of live.
Düsseldorf (DE)
Wintermusik featured at SCHAUFENSTER ONOMATO curated by Gudrun Teich
Cologne (DE)
ZWIEGESPRÄCH Exhibition at TENRI – Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt
– EVENTS 2019-
Maribor (SI)
interactive audiovisual installation SKIN featured at the exhibition: Tense Present – International group exhibition in the scope of Risk Change (2016-2020) at the KIBLA Multimedia Centre, Maribor (Slovenia). The exhibition is curated by Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Živa Kleindienst and Aleksandra Kostič. KIBLA Center
Cologne (DE)
interactive light and sound installation REFLEXION – In Sync / Out of Sync – premiered at Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln.
Medellin (CO)
video “IGUAQUE” exhibited at “RETROVISIÓN ESPECTRAL – Aproximaciones a una historia del videoarte en Colombia” – a retrospective of video art in Colombia curated by Gilles Charalambos.
More info: Exhibition FlyerMuseo de Antioquia
Moscow (RUS)
The octophonic composition “WANDERING IN MORELIA” exhibited at: Sounds Over Time: A review of experimental multi-channel sound art from Harvestworks DMAC curated by Carol Parkinson. Sound Art Gallery SA))_gallery / Electromuseum. Harvestworks Electromuseum
Cologne (DE)
Düsseldorf (DE)
Performance SKIN at NKR – Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf – INTIMITAET IN DER MEDIENKUNST
Elsinor (DK)
Speaker at the 8th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology / Ph.d. Summer Camp. CATCH / CLICK Festival in Elsinor
Aalborg (DK)
Performance SKIN at RE:SOUND Festival/Musikkens Hus. and paper presentation at Media Art Histories Conference
Gwangju (KR)
MINDSCAPE installation, performance and artist talk at ISEA 2019 /Asia Culture Center
New York City (US)
BLOSSOMS acousmatic composition at ICMC / NYCEMF
Cologne (DE)
acousmatic composition GLOCKENWELT (world of bells) (7.1 surround sound) premiered at SOIRÉE SONIQUE #23. at LTK4 im Luther Turm
Karlsruhe (DE)
MINDSCAPE” performance and paper presentation ”The Human Body as an Audiovisual Instrument” at MUSA 2019
Mexico City (MX)
Celebrating women’s day, the legendary RADIO UNAM in Mexico city (founded in 1937!) broadcasted a full portrait of my artist’s profile and work.
available as podcast: http://www.radio.unam.mx/programa_unam/testimonio-de-oidas/
Podcast 66
Bonn (DE)
SKIN performance at MUSA 2019 Künstlerforum Bonn.
Morelia (MX)
PUNTO DE CONVERGENCIA –Audiovisual portrait Concert at CMMAS.
ARTBO Bogotá (CO), JUSTMAD Madrid (ESP), BARCU Bogotá (CO), CONTEXT Miami (USA)
My artworks have been performed and exhibited at:
Kubus-ZKM – Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe (DE), Gerngesehen Festival (DE), Bauhaus Museum Berlin (DE), Piemonte Share Festival. Torino (IT), SPARK Festival of Electronic Music and Art. Ted Mann Concert Hall. Minneapolis (USA), SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. Yokohama (JPN), KYUSHU University. Fukuoka (JPN), 12 NIGHTS – ELECTRONIC MUSIC AND ART University of Miami’s CAS Art Gallery Miami (USA), Festival Internacional de la Imagen Manizales (Colombia), DRHA2010 Festival. Sensual Technologies. Brunel University. London (UK), Nocturnes – Much More Rumors Concert – KHM Cologne (DE), MEX Festival. Kunsthaus Dortmund (DE), ESPACIO Fundación Telefónica. Buenos Aires (ARG), Conciertos Limb0 (ARG), LEAP – Space for Media Art. Berlin (DE), Imaginary Worlds Concert series – Hull University. Scarborough (UK), Audiovisionen Hannover (DE), Cluj-Napoca Tailor’s Tower, TIEF-KLANG Berlin (DE), Audioart Festival. Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Krakow (Poland), Imagespassages – En Résonance avec la Biennale de Lyon. Point Commun. Annecy (France), Neues Kunstforum, Cologne (Germany), MAC – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Bogotá (CO), Moltkerei Werkstatt Köln (DE), HARVESTWORKS – Digital Media Arts Centre. New York City (USA), NEW MEDIA FESTIVAL MIAMI 2014, THE CHILL CONCEPT, Miami (USA), CMMR in Marseille (FR) and Plymouth (UK), Audioart Festival. Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Krakow (Poland), ICMC International Computer Music Conference in Copenhagen (DNK), Künstlerforum Bonn (DE), Utrecht (NL),Nabta L’arteppes Centre d’art Contemporain Annecy (FR),Altefeuerwache Cologne (DE), ON Neue Musik Cologne (DE), Kunstquartier Bethanien Berlin (DE), NYCEMF New York Electroacoustic Music Festival, CAMP FESTIVAL at Salon Suisse. Official event 55th Venice Biennale Palazzo Trevisano Venice (IT), CMMR Chisenhale Dance Space. London (UK), Enter3 Festival for New Technologies Prague (CZ), Kunstverein Linz am Rhein (Germany), 119 Gallery Lowell (USA) 2014, IK Foundation – Jan van Muenster. Flushing. (NL), EMUFEST Rome (IT), Rachel Hafferkamp Gallery Cologne (DE), ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Art in Istanbul (TUR), Auditorio ML Universidad de los Andes Bogotá (CO), KIBLA Center Maribor (SVN), Plataforma Bogotá (CO), Manizales (CO) and in Durban (ZAF), St. GERTRUD KIRCHE UND KULTUR. Cologne (DE) 2018, NOMUTE/MASKIN Festival, Trondheim (NOR), im Turm Luther Kirche Cologne (DE), NIME New Interfaces for Musical Expression Oslo (NOR), ADAF Athens Digital Art Festival (GR), HEROINES OF SOUND, Berlin (DE), Immersive Lab. ICST Institut for Computer Music and Sound Technologies) Zurich (CH), Experimental Intermedia New York City (USA).